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Virtual Engineering

Virtual Engineering Goes Beyond Japanese-style Borderless Development

Automotive development “coupling” based on Japan's three-generalism (actual reality on-site) was a strength of Japan and an advantage over Western-style sequential development. However, in recent years, especially in the 21st century, due to the evolution of IT and the efforts of Western companies that have an affinity for it, Virtual Engineering, a so-called “data world friction development” method, has been developed mainly in Europe. It is the basis for the technological development of Segula Technologies.

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Ultimate Interfunctional Cooperation

The conventional confirmation process in the actual spot after the design was a method in which a phenomenon that could not be confirmed in the design stage appeared in the actual spot, and in response to this, a defect response or quality amelioration by design change was implemented. On the other hand, in Virtual Engineering, not only design but also design, CAE (Virtual Experiment), and virtualization of production technology realize mutual friction in each function in Virtual space. In addition, cost management has been incorporated into the collaboration, and product development can now be completely carried out in a virtual space.

Borderless Development in Digital Space

Segula Technologies goal with Virtual is to complete virtual development in a short period by seamlessly executing all daily Virtual Coordination activities between functions. It is a concept that is completely different from digital engineering by phase management, which has already become common, “borderless development of friction in the digital space”.

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​High-accuracy, Rapid, and Inexpensive CAE Analysis Technology

Needless to say, CAE (Computer Aided Engineering), the so-called sophistication of analysis technology, plays an extremely important role in achieving this. Segula Technologies has a CAE organization with 300 employees in Lyon, France, of which 140 are PhD qualified. In addition, the costly meshing is handled by a team in Tunisia, Africa. The CAE analysis team not only produces the results of the analysis, but also takes the role of proposing cost and weight optimal countermeasures to the design when the target performance and quality cannot be met. 

When executing Virtual Engineering, it is important to clearly confirm the concept of product development, and it is also essential to accumulate development records and know-how. Segula Technologies' product development is based on a systematic planning chart, so transparent development is carried out in compliance with the client company's development policy, and know-how is reliably accumulated and transferred.

Borderless Execution - Virtual Engineeri

​Competitive Development
Through International Collaboration

We are digitally connected to Segula Technologies Global, and execute product development utilizing Virtual Engineering across time and space.

Segula Technologies provides the competitive product development by organizing the optimal human resources from more than 30 countries by using Virtual Engineering to carry out the development support work of not only automotive but all industrial products.

According to the Change Management method, we support introducing Virtual Engineering to the R&D organization. We also have experience in the case of supporting the introduction of the customer into the R&D organization in the form of “Change Management Consulting”. If you would like to consider introducing it into your R&D organization, please contact us.

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